Flash Decompiler Gold - мощная программа для извлечения ресурсов
из флэш файлов.Экспортирует изображения, звуки, шрифты, тексты, кнопки,
спрайты, скрипты и фреймы из любого SWF файла. Free Flash
Decompiler Gold is a powerful and reliable flash extractor. It
allows exporting all resources such as images, shapes, sounds, fonts,
dynamic texts, buttons, sprites, scripts, and frames from any SWF file.
Moreover, those resources can be exported as FLA format. With one click,
you can effortlessly convert files to (*.swf) or (*.exe) format. Vivid
preview window makes Flash Decompiler Gold Free Version easy to use. In
our test, it works without a hitch and shows good speed. Flash
Decompiler Gold can be downloaded from our website. Users can experience
Flash Decompiler Gold Free Version's professional and innovative
features for 30 days. Just try it and let it do more with your flash
decompiling. О файле: Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: английский Платформа/ОС: Windows
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